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Choosing to indulge over the silly season?

Choosing to indulge over the silly season? Before you overdo the treats over the Christmas and New Year period think twice about how much exercise you may need to do to burn off those additional calories. To help you work out a sensible exercise plan and maintain your weight we have put together a list of some common Christmas treats the exercise required to burn them off.

Remember to treat yourself but try to find a balance by having smaller portions, aim to eat healthy choices for most meals and increase your exercise levels. But most of all have a safe and Happy Christmas.

If you are having difficulties maintaining or loosing weight, book an appointment with one of our Accredited Practicing Dietitians to get a personalised meal plan suited to your needs. Phone (07) 5539 9032 to make an appointment.

*Exercise duration and intensity is based on a 70kg person. Calories burnt will vary depending on weight, gender and fitness level.

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