Dietitian & Nutritionist Services
Our Accredited Practicing Dietitians ​(APDs) are university qualified and attend regular professional development conferences to stay up to date with the latest in nutritional research. APDs are the experts in the nutritional management of medical conditions.
The team at Shape Nutrition can help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Providing you with the knowledge, resources and motivation to shape your nutrition, you will be well on your way to leading a healthier life. We work with you to develop individualised plans that fit in with your lifestyle to assist you with your health goals.
We have a passion for helping our patients achieve improved health outcomes and enjoy seeing our clients reach their weight and nutritional goals. We can assist you with successful and sustainable, health change through easy to follow dietary plans and solutions.
Katie Harris
Accredited Practicing Dietitian & Accredited Nutritionist
Certified Fertility and Paediatric Dietitian
B. Hlth Sc, M. Nutr & Diet
Katie has a passion for assisting her clients to achieve improved health outcomes and enjoys seeing them reach their nutritional goals. She has over 15 years' experience working with people with a variety of health conditions and nutritional needs.
Her special interests include women’s health, children's health, fertility, pregnancy, bariatric surgery, digestive health conditions and chronic disease management. She can support you to achieve sustainable health change through personalised dietary plans and solutions.
Being a certified paediatric, fertility and pre-natal Dietitian Katie has an in-depth knowledge of the benefits that nutrition can have on fertility and pregnancy outcomes. She has helped numerous men and women to improve their fertility and achieve their dreams of a healthy pregnancy and family.
Katie has also completed additional training in sport's dietetics at the Australian Institute of Sport.

Kirsten Darlow
Accredited Practicing Dietitian & Accredited Nutritionist
Diabetes Educator
B. Nutr & Diet, Grad Cert Diabetes Education
Kirsten enjoys helping patients to effectively and realistically manage chronic disease through dietary intervention that is individualised and tailored to suit each patient, with the ultimate goal being to reduce the risk of associated co-morbidities and improving overall quality of life.
Her interests include Diabetes management (including Pre-Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes), weight-loss, healthy eating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and FODMAP diet, as well as other chronic disease management.
Kirsten has completed a Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics and holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education.

We can assist with:
Women's health:
Weight loss or weight and muscle gain
Gut health
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Bariatric surgery
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Diverticular disease
Coeliac disease
Diabetes & Insulin resistance
Heart Disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Binge eating and emotional eating issues
Thyroid conditions
Hormone management
Symptom management: Asthma, skin health,
headaches, migraines
Fertility nutrition:
Preconception nutrition (male and female)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
IVF nutrition
Optimising egg or sperm health
Recurrent miscarriage
Supplement review and fertility supplement plans
Prenatal and paediatric nutrition:
Nutrition in pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes management
Paediatric nutrition
Allergy & intolerance
Childhood weight concerns
Fussy eating